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by Marcia Nathai-Balkissoon

Photo: Photo by Soundtrap on Unsplash

What message were you born to share? What form was it meant to take? I think the most important thing that any of us need to tune in to, in order to live our best life, lies within those questions because our message is the expression of who we are. There is something that we are here for. There’s some value that we each are meant to give to the world, and there is nobody else who can do it exactly like us. Some of us have paused and realised that.

Our message may be traditionally expressed through a talk or poem or song or piece of art, but we may express our messages in myriads of other ways: the way we dance, or love, or teach, or give whatever service we give. The challenge is being quiet often enough and long enough to get clear. Some of us are feeling that message locked away and rattling the gates deep inside us, and we are beginning to hear. Some of us aren’t even giving the message a chance to emerge, to start influencing the fuller person that we are meant to be. Maybe when you feel the call of your message, it makes you nervous or scared. Changing what you do – or how you do it – is a very challenging thing to do because you may be concerned that it will introduce so much uncertainty and upset the way you live your life. Maybe, like I did or far too long, you are mixing things up and living to someone else’s standards. Then you may have a heart that’s heavy from sharing someone else’s message while your own message withers and grows cold.

My call is for you to realise that the most important audience for your message is the first audience that must absorb your message. And that audience is you. See, you need to talk first to yourself, to empower yourself, to help yourself to get clarity, to line up your passion and your purpose with the actual things you do, to dare, to risk, to try, to believe in your power to make a difference, be a changemaker. How big or how small you are is irrelevant, as long as you are growing and improving something for at least 1 person in addition to yourself.

This is our challenge, as I see it. Take the pain and brokenness of past experiences you have had and use them to help you to:

  • identify where you belong,
  • get clear about who you need to bring your message to, and ultimately
  • make your way to where and how you need to serve them.

Those tasks are before each of us and they are part of the source of our restlessness and dissatisfaction. To help you focus on this self-work, I encourage you to reflect on three questions:

  1. What’s the message inside of me that’s calling to get out and be heard?
  2. How have I been pushing down my message and stymieing my own fulfillment in life by holding it back?
  3. How can I start to explore my message for myself: to heal myself, to charge up myself, to align myself?

Doing this for yourself threatens nothing. It overturns nothing about the way your life is flowing right now. So, come on and give yourself the gift of this insight into yourself. I’ll be giving you some more supporting resources with each newsletter edition, so look out for more to come each month!

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